Thursday, September 30, 2004

Seperate but Equal?

1-The persuit of a career in media/journalism: 15 hours/week (sometimes paid, sometimes not);
2-Advocacy for my community's political stances and acting as a junior civil rights guardian with definite prospects for meeting bigger fish and making bigger splashes politically for the sake of my people's rights;
3-a reliable source of income for the essentials.

These are the seperate parts of my life that manifest in 12 hour day/6 to 7 day weeks at the end of which I have neither time nor energy to do much else (though sometimes I am obligated). Each are equally important for a vague goal that I sense but can never articulate. This I know: there's somewhere I'm supposed to go or something I'm supposed to do and this is the source of my drive. I haven't figured it out yet, but I know it. Yet somehow I can't believe that this is supposed to be what my life will be like for too much longer.

What's gotta give: Money, belief, or opportunity? Do I really have to choose or is there some solution I'm not seeing? Lend me your eyes for a few moments; mine are tired.


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