Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Is it wrong to want to believe in something so great--something more beautiful than anything you've laid eyes on, more sensational than anything you've sensed--that it's unbelievable? Is it wrong to want something you have no right to expect or desire something you don't deserve? Is it wrong to hope?

My sister once told me a hadith, or an Islamic teaching, that I've taken to heart and rely on for strength when I lose sight of my goals. I believe the Prophet Mohammed stated this. Even if it's Yom Il-Qiama (Judgement Day) and you have one seed in your hand, you should plant it.

Now, I'm not very religious, nor do I pretend to be. But there's guidance in this thought that is universal. Why do anything? Because it is right and because it is good and because it is what should be done. In times when what is good and right are difficult to identify clearly, I do hope that we all plant the seeds that we have in the spirit of a splendid future.

This is but one thing I've learned from Islam that stands against the distortions so many choose to focus on today.



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