Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Daily Star - Business Articles - Libyan reforms exceed expectations

I've included the article in the post as in case the link isn't open to all.

I post this glowing review of the Q-man as yet another example of the hypocricy of international policy makers. Democratic reform and rights apparently refer to the freeing of money, not humans. The message I'm getting is that as long as money can be made in your country at whatever cost, everything's fine and dandy and all is forgiven. As long as the West gets its share, all is well, and the grievances of thousands and millions is forgotten.

Nothing new, I realize, but remains frustrating.

Consider this posting a concession in the spirit of objectivity, but don't expect too many like this.

Libyan reforms exceed expectations

By Daniel Epps
Special to The Daily Star
Friday, August 05, 2005

For nearly 36 years, Libya's fate has been inextricably linked with that of its enigmatic leader, Colonel Moammar Gadhafi. While for much of that time that fate has been isolation from the rest of the world and domination by socialism, something new is brewing in Tripoli. After decades opposing the West and maintaining a policy of nonalignment as part of his "Third Universal Theory," Gadhafi has recently worked to restore Libya's standing in the international community and modernize his nation's outdated economy. While the self-styled "leader of the revolution" is anything but predictable, his stunning about-face could mark the beginning of a Libyan renaissance.

A few years ago, few would have thought change for the better in Libya was likely in the short term. The country's involvement in international terrorism, including the infamous 1988 Lockerbie plane bombing that killed 270 people, had destroyed diplomatic relations with the West and resulted in heavy economic sanctions. Libya's economic policies - according to Gadhafi an alternative to both capitalism and communism - were decidedly socialist, characterized by state ownership. And while supposedly a "direct democracy" with rule by committees of the people, the "Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyya," as it is officially known, is a dictatorship controlled by a leader one might charitably call eccentric. Libya's future was not looking very bright.

But suddenly things are looking up. Gadhafi has gone out of his way to make amends for Lockerbie and other incidents. Libya formally accepted responsibility for the killings and provided compensation for victims in 2003. Later that year, Gadhafi publicly abandoned all weapons of mass destruction programs. By 2004, all sanctions had been lifted and Libya had restored diplomatic ties with the U.S. The change in fortunes could not have been more dramatic or swift. In 2002, U.S. President George W. Bush added Libya to his "axis of evil"; this year he praised the country, calling on North Korea's Kim Jong Il to emulate Gadhafi.

While turning a rogue nation into a lauded paragon of international cooperation quickly was an extraordinary feat, Gadhafi's ambitions are greater. Despite his long allegiance to socialism, Gadhafi is now moving his country toward a Western-style free market system. Libya recently announced it would lift virtually all tariffs on imports later this year and is preparing a bid for membership in the World Trade Organization. Other barriers to foreign investment have been or will be eased, and there are plans to privatize many state-owned concerns soon - an unthinkable suggestion a decade ago.

If Gadhafi succeeds in fully liberalizing Libya's trade relations, next he will need to work to bring in foreign investors and create new industries. Currently, Libya's economy is largely based on the country's oil reserves. Manufacturing and construction from about 20 percent of GDP, a figure that will need to rise as oil production inevitably drops. Unemployment is high - 30 percent - and jobs for the growing number of young, educated Libyans are needed. Perhaps tourism is the solution; although Libya is not currently viewed as a prime vacation spot, Gadhafi has recently voiced interest in developing hotels on the country's long coastline. Perhaps, as Libya becomes increasingly viewed as a mainstream, Western-friendly nation, more tourists will choose to spend their holidays there.

There are still many unanswered questions. Will the sometimes fickle Gadhafi change course yet again, setting back recent progress? Even if not, what will the country look like after he is gone? Some say Gadhafi has chosen as his successor his son, Saif, who many believe is encouraging his father's new pro-Western policies. But as Libya becomes more economically and politically connected to the rest of the world, Libyans could become increasingly unwilling to live in an undemocratic country. While in some ways Libya's current autocratic system has actually made reform easier - government policies in democracies can rarely be changed so drastically, so quickly - it will increasingly become an impediment. Political destabilization is never good for business; hopefully Libya will eventually be able to make a smooth transition to a more stable form of government.

While many may remain skeptical about Gadhafi's motives and intentions, his recent reforms are by no means superficial and have put Libya on the fast track to a better way of life. Free-trade policies don't guarantee and new jobs and more money, but they certainly make them more of a possibility. Libyans may soon be grateful that their leader has exchanged the idiosyncratic philosophy laid out in his "Green Book" for plain, old-fashioned pro-business values.


Blogger programmer craig said...

Hi Smokey :)

I didn't get the same impression from that article you did. It seemed to me there was a critique in there of dictatorship, along with the praise for improving Libya's economy.

I guess you meant the references to improved relations with the West though. You think that's related to trade interests? How do you think the West(and the US in particular) should deal with Qaddafi?

Thanks you for posting this, btw. Libya has not been in the news much lately, and I am very ignorant on this subject, as you can see :)

11:59 PM  
Blogger Highlander said...

earth calling to smokey ..u don't reply to mail, u don't post...i'm beginning to think you're as bad as jeames said lol

2:06 PM  
Blogger jeames morgan said...

she is.

12:23 AM  
Blogger Hiba said...

i was searching for libyan people living away of them countries...and i found your blog...and for my luck im here..
seems that you love libya and have a diffrent feeling to the goverments..
well,im here on the Country and i can understand everything..but ..i can go to u.s.a ,becoues i have born their ,and i have right to live their ,but i m here u know why.,becoues my country needs me...if anyone will beat me or kill my family i will keep staying here...
if we all living away and leave the libyan goverments alone...what about poor people..and what if they still alife...10000000000 years ~!!
Sorry but..i felt something missing here...
many libyan living outsaide they thinking about themselvies..more thinking on them Country,it rminds me on that big wars happeind on Iraq becoues Saddam!! and what is happeind now!! after saddam!!


12:43 PM  
Blogger smokey spice said...

Yeah, it's been a while guys. I posted today. I'm still sifting through to find all the unanswered comments.

Programmer craig, look for news about Libya in the business section of newspapers. It tends to be there more than other sections.

My issue with the article (and the view-point entirely) is that economic changes are not always indicative of broader improvement in a country. I do think that the improved relations are motivated by trade interests. You may have noticed that oil seems to be a big item on the agenda of international politicians lately. Oil companies and developers were among the first to fly into Libya when sanctions were lifted.

I just hope groups like Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch are also allowed entry.

Highlander, I'm alive habeebti. Just treading water at the moment. This year will go down in history as one of my craziest. I'll be happy to come out alive and functional at this rate.

On another note, I love the new photo icon you have! Super cute.

James, thanks for your confidence. It means a lot to me.

lovelytripoli: Welcome to my blog. And I'm sorry to have been absent when you visited. I'll try to respond to your comment now.

You said: "seems that you love libya and have a diffrent feeling to the goverments."

Yes, that's pretty much it.

You said that you're living there "becoues my country needs me...if anyone will beat me or kill my family i will keep staying here...if we all living away and leave the libyan goverments alone...what about poor people..and what if they still alife...10000000000 years ~!!"

Your sentiments are noble, but tell me, has anyone actually beat or killed members of your family? Even if the answer is yes, can you actually say it out loud and in public?

You said: "many libyan living outsaide they thinking about themselvies..more thinking on them Country."

Is this to say that people living in Libya are NOT thinking of themselves? What, are we different breeds of Libyans now?

Self-interest is universal. Frankly, many people in Libya are using the corruption to reap grander benefits than they would ever have access to outside of the country. Others had no opportunity to leave so they stayed.

Many who, like you, were born in the US are returning to the US now. While my group of expats dreamt so long of returning that they essentially put their lives on hold until then, the newer immmigrants (or returnees) have no desire what-so-ever to go back to Libya.

Why do you think that is? What does it mean?

Sorry, but I disagree that the 'selfish factor' is the way to view the basis of the differences of opinion. There are various sets of circumstances and experiences that shape people's views and lead them towards different decisions. What you view as as 'thinking of themselves' or selfish motivation, I view as a decision for self-preservation. And there's a big difference there.

Let's also remember that many of the expats were in a great position to benefit from the revolution. Many were offered opportunities to collaborate. Some did and benefited. Others did not and paid the price whether in lives, livlihoods, or homes.

Do you really think that anyone would 'prefer' leaving everything behind without a huge reason? Are Palestinian refugees selfish for leaving or voicing their opposition to Israeli policies? Yes, there's a self interest factor there, but is it wrong?

This isn't to say that people living in Libya didn't pay either. My point is that we're all paying...and for what? for who? Not for me, not for you, not for the benefit of the country.

I realize that many of the groups outside have lost touch with what's happening in the country and have gone so far as to make a parity of dissent. I don't look to them for leadership either. They haven't proved themselves worth it.

You said: "it rminds me on that big wars happeind on Iraq becoues Saddam!! and what is happeind now!! after saddam!!"

Okay... I think we're getting carried away here. Nowhere in any of my posts do I even go near approving of what happened to Iraq. In Libya, change is already occuring without a war. But unless political changes follow the economic, then the changes are cosmetic.

I want the best for my country too. For me, that includes human rights and dignity. When the state retains the right to enter your home and take away anyone they please (as is also taking place now in the US now) without a fair and just process, when the state is always right and the citizen is always wrong, when the state always wins, there is a problem. And the problem doesn't vanish when we look the other way or simply adjust to the new normal.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Hiba said...

Aslam alkum wrhma walbrkah..
Hello all...

maybe we have one poent that we agree about it..
"Hate The libyan Goverment"
well, about me,what can i do for fight the green facess stop pushing us to the cloes rode."closed street= dead end"

I wont` lie at you many times i wishing to go away...but when i remember that many good integent people went out the leave the gipsy people whom flowing The Goverments..

we really got sick of hearing many stories every year on 1-sebtember.

there is no freedom here..
alot of our girls and boys seeing around with empty heads...trying to be free by sick bad ways..
and that what Goverment wanted ..she wants all became sick and weak and no-one will planing to do anything..
we hope ,she changed to be more Good but that is happeind so slowly..
Oh doing my best to got the green card now..
im thinking about my futuer..if i got marrige..and im thinking about my kids..
everything became more my Country and my City are beutfull and lovely to see

the Goverments hate The people re from Tripoli..and anything talking about them...have hiding..
or fighting by Green facess..!

well, pary for your Country...
and for us to have power to fight this kind of sick people...


12:13 PM  

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