Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cartoon Reason

I was hoping that if I ignored it long enough, this controversy over the Danish cartoons would go away—or at least not get so annoying. Sad to say, I was wrong. The topic creeps into conversations with Muslims and non-Muslims alike and seems to be the latest installment to the inflammatory and pathetically small minded ‘Why do they hate us?’ paradigm for both sides.

And it works in this argument…. It’s ammunition for both sides that’d rather simply antagonize the other. For some Muslims, it typifies and in fact proves the non-Muslim West’s indignation of Islam (I say non-Muslim because the Muslim Civilization is in fact a western civilization contrary to common perceptions); for some non-Muslims, the response of small groups in various countries and those governments’ appeasement proves beyond a reasonable doubt the intolerance of Muslims throughout the world—indeed it’s actually Islam that is now justifiably seen as intolerant (Sullivan article in TIME). For media opportunists, it makes for great media and self-promotion (again, on all sides).

But let’s just be honest about what’s going on here. Let’s call a spade a spade: This has turned into an over masculinized school yard fight where those fanning the flames don’t want to hear the voice of reason—let’s just agree that this is no longer about the freedom of speech or the blasphemy of depicting the prophet. It’s about something else at this point and frankly I’m sick of trying to figure it out on a case to case basis because not all the motives of fueling the flame are the same here. The voices in the middle of this mess—you know, the ones that actually just want peace of mind that includes peace in the world—are hardly sought after and then not really amplified. Let’s face it; the kid that tries to break up the fight in the school yard is likely to get hurt. Why? Because everyone likes a fight and because he/she is ruining the fun. Fine, but let’s be conscious of this.

One thing that is clear to me is that this is a test to the core. The test is for the mindful and those searching for some kind of worldly peace. It’s about whether, when shit hits the fan, you can still sincerely take the tougher route of understanding and even better reach out when everything tells you not to. Yes, this is an opportunity—but it’s also an opportunity to discover what we really stand for and believe. It’s an opportunity to stare fear in the face and call it for what it is rather than projecting this onto other people elsewhere to make ourselves feel better.

Yes, there are fundamentalists who have taken this opportunity to call for deaths. It’s nothing new, given the cases of Naguib Mahfouz (shot, but lived), Nawal El Saadawi (fatwa), Rushdie (fatwa), Van Gough (killed), and others. What is new is that now non-Arab, non-Muslim media is paying attention. What’s also new is that governments of Muslim countries are now a little more sensitive to the outrage of their citizens, and rightfully so. Now, their citizens have an idea of what kind of hell could be made of their countries if the US and allies felt so inclined to invade—and the response is an adamant rejection.

In fact, I kind of think the response to the Muslim response has been ideologically fundamentalist, but that’s a side thought. It’s primarily been provocative, for reasons I don’t yet fully understand. I think media sensationalism and solidarity are two major reason—if you can create a story by re-publishing a cartoon in support of a tenet of your own profession (whether or not you actually act on that tenet), then why not do it? But if freedom of expression is really at the bottom of this, where’s the outrage about the war on media and media complacency since 9/11?

The voice of reason I’ve found as someone raised Muslim in the US is Hamza Yusuf of the Zaytuna Institute. He’s an American convert to Islam with a powerful voice, refreshing insight, and an ability to articulate his experience and opinion clearly. He’s the kid that’s likely to get hurt, but has the courage to speak truth no matter how disinterested the world is. Below is a video to his interview on Deadline (a Danish TV news program)

Hamza Yusuf of the Zaytuna Institute:

I hope that this issue can be put to rest soon. In my opinion, there are more important things to pay attention to, but as someone who values democracy, the people have definitely spoken to this issue. The raw nerve has been exposed, and I'm not intersted in burying it... but let's really understand. What the hell is going on?


Blogger jeames morgan said...

i think that the christians look at the reaction and think it's silly. i mean, making fun of jesus is a tradition. my guess is that they were telling jesus jokes at the last supper.

and furthermore, i think that all non-muslims can clearly see that none of this has anything to do with cartoons. and those of us with no religious indoctrination can see that this is all just silly god drama.

but fuck it. as long as they don't go nuclear, they can beat themselves on the head with swords, or they can beat each other with swords. it just doesn't matter.

the real problem is that there will never be peace as long as any people on this planet think that their god is the only/right god, and then they are so presumptious and filled with hubris to assume that they could even understand the creative force. and that's how it will always be. you can't control people if you don't make them believe that you have something they need.

but we don't really need peace.

if they kill each other, it's better for the rest of us. in fact, it's rather entertaining. again ... as long as they don't go nuclear. but the problem is that their god didn't say anything about not fucking up the earth for the rest of us.

either way, for perspective, i have never discussed these cartoons, nor have i ever heard anyone discuss them. if it weren't for you and the daily show, i would know nothing about them.

i think what bothers most americans when it comes to the middle east would be bush selling our ports to arabs and the fact that we invade iraq, threaten iran, but we haven't even considered attacking saudi arabia, when they are the ones who attacked us now nearly 5 years ago.

2:20 AM  
Blogger jeames morgan said...

i should point out that since i wrote this, the camel/children racing bastards of the uae have given up on the port management.

though it seems to me that george bush is a criminal who was trying to encourage another attack on u.s. soil (probably so that he could find a way to a third term), at least there is one less thing for americans to worry about.

unfortunately, he is still there. and unlike osama bin laden of sadam hussein, bush is the biggest threat to the safety and freedom of americans.

12:40 PM  
Blogger smokey spice said...

Hey gorgeous (jeames),

First off, I don't think this has anything to do with God or god drama. I do think that a nerve has been hit, but I just have a hard time believing that it's about religion.

Many of the countries that had riots (including Libya) don't usually allow free assembly. In fact, as far as I know, you can still be imprisoned for organizing against the state if you do that. What this means is that the state either facilitated or gave a major green light.

So my question to you is this: Is this silly god drama on both sides or just the Muslim side?

As far as going nuclear, why the hell not? It's the next step for any country that wants to avoid political bullying AND to provide electricity.

Politically speaking, the US and the USSR are the countries that created the damned MAD game and it's been justified logically by all kinds of arms race apologists. The power game is all about either economic power or military power...and the one leads to the other, doesn't it?

And who do you mean when you say "if they kill each other, it's better for the rest of us"? How can it be better, Jeames, and for who? Not for you and me for sure.

And finally, while I completely disagree (as I think you do) that the UAE is anywhere near threatening to US security, I do think that the situation is ironic. Yes, the UAE is super modern and has a fabulously clean (politically) economic plan for its self, it does have an 'immigration problem.'

It's just kind of funny that a country that both depends on immigrants and violates them is in a similar position else-where in the world... then again, maybe they understand. Maybe that's the reason behind the solution of hiring a US management company.

I'm tired...of all of this...I'll try to post this week-end.

For now, my love.

12:39 AM  
Blogger jeames morgan said...

well sweetheart, first, when i say going nuclear, i am not eluding to iran. i could care less about whether or not iran has nuclear weapons. it's more my way of saying that i don't want anyone to use nuclear weapons.

and fuck, my knowledge of history tells me that only the united states has done so before. and the two countries i worry about most are israel and pakistan.

and no one should be using nuclear power for electricity. when will they learn?

oh, and so i should say that when i refer to god drama, i blanketly refer to any religion that is silly enough to presume that they or any of their historical figures could possibly understand creation or the creative force. this is usually a distinction held by the three major western religions (judaism, christianity and islam), but i am sure the billing is always open.

as far as the UAE goes, i am pretty sure that at least one of the attackers on sept. 11 were from dubai. so allowing them to have anything to do with our national security is like letting the wolf guard the henhouse.

i actually am very worried about both the UAE and saudi arabia. god ain't shit compared to money. and those two countries have a lot of fucking money. and they also have a lot of clout in the united states.

i will state clearly now and forever that when we associate with backwards people from half way around the world, we are asking to be hurt. and yes, if you race kids on camels, you are backwards. technology isn't just for the progressive.

and i do very much support war. it is better off for the rest of us. if the people who have these grudges just fucking kill each other, my stress level goes down.

and you know, it has everything to do with religion. why was there a reaction? there was nothing good about mohammed. his only value in history is to people who follow his religion. taken out of religious context, he was merely a warlord and a desert pirate. you have to accept abrahamic mythology to see him in any other light.

you know, if i had say in how the united states acts toward the middle east, i would say let the whole place burn. seriously. fuck israel. fuck the holy land (cause it ain't holy to me). and fuck oil. and i actually think that my three-pronged policy would go over fairly well with the fundamentalist muslims and even the extremists like bin laden.

in fact, i think the only people that would have a problem with it would be the ones who have money depending on this unholy marriage between the united states and arabia ... such as car makers, bush friends, saudis, and the camel racing bastards in the UAE.

seriously people, get a real sport. and you know what, horse racing is pretty archaic too.

in closing, i actually hope that iran gets nuclear weapons. if i could hang out in southern chili, i would love to see iran and israel have an all out nuclear exchange.

but in all seriousness, if you believe in "god" at all, you are not mentally competent enough to have nuclear power. and it doesn't matter if your name is george w. bush, ariel sharon or mahmoud ahmadinejad.

it's like i told you back in high school, when moses comes down from that mountain and claims that he just talked to a burning bush that claimed to be god, most people knew what was up and just walked the fuck away from his crazy ass.

3:41 AM  
Blogger smokey spice said...

before I say anything, what's this camel/child racing thing you're obsessed with?

4:22 PM  
Blogger jeames morgan said...

in the UAE, they race camels with children as jockies. this is an old practice, and considered a human rights violation (like forced child labor).

the UAE claimed to give up the practice some time ago. but a few years ago, HBO Real Sports snuck a hidden camera in and recorded races with children as jockies.

now i think adult jockies are pretty fucked up, with their bolemia and all. but children is just fucked up and backwards.

don't get me wrong, golf is a far more disgusting sport. but that's not really relevant here.

1:33 AM  

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